• Parent Involvement

  • There are also many ways in which parents can be involved at our schools.  These include the School Site Council, Parent Coffee Hours, Parent Workshops, volunteer roles, and events throughout the school year.

    • School Site Council
      • Our school site council includes the principal, the parent liaison, parent representatives, and teachers. The Council work together through the school year to help improve our school community. Some topics discussed are school attendance / tardiness policies, the school’s turnaround plan, and parent involvement.
      • Click here to view School Site Council Public Notices
  • Additional Support

  • Here are some important resources for our students who need additional support:

    • Programs for English Language Learners: The placement and exit criteria for these programs can be found here.
    • Programs for students with disabilities: District programs and services, and school contacts for IEP and 504 can be found here.